Our Community


The strong involvement and support of the school community at Kent Park contributes significantly to the learning, engagement and personal development of the students. Community members are widely involved in the school through the School Council, Parents’ Association, classroom support programs and the facilitation of the Uniform Shop, Canteen, BookClub and School Banking.

Parent Involvement

At Kent Park Primary School, parents and school staff are strong partners in the children’s education. We encourage all parents and guardians to be involved as active community members. By interacting with the school and wider community, parents gain a firsthand understanding of how our school operates and the rhythm of school life.

Parents participating in school community activities build on their skills and confidence, develop friendships and work collaboratively with others interested in supporting the school. These hardworking and enthusiastic parents support a range of events throughout the year that help raise community funds to enhance our school resources, operations and facilities, to include:

  • Whole school community projects such as vegetable gardens
  • Air conditioners in classrooms
  • Soft fall mulch for the playgrounds
  • Playground equipment and classroom resources
  • New sport uniforms
  • Outdoor picnic tables
  • Upgrade of Prep playground
  • Sand kitchens
  • Upgrade of school oval.

The students continue to benefit significantly from the involvement of their parents. We appreciate the tireless efforts and dedication in assisting and supporting a variety of special activities to include special annual events such as Father’s and Mother’s Day stalls, Footy Day lunches and the Year 6 Graduation Dinner.

We look forward to the ongoing support from parents in our school community in a range of capacities to ensure that our partnership continues to provide the best possible learning environment for our students.

Parkers’ Club

At Kent Park Primary School, we believe the partnership between home and school plays a vital role in everything we do.

The Parkers’ Club is a group of parent volunteers who are a critical part of the support network for parents.

The Parkers’ Club organises social events to give parents the opportunity to connect with one another and the wider KPPS community, with fundraising events and special volunteers for important school events all part of the makeup of the association. Some examples of these events include Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day Stall, Trivia Night, Colour Run, Bunnings Sausage Sizzle, School Production, Prep Transition, Grade 6 Graduation.

School Council

School councils play a key role in Victorian Government schools and being a member of the School Council is a rewarding and challenging experience. Acting as a team, Council supports the Principal to provide the best possible educational outcomes for students.

Parent members of the school community are invited and encouraged to consider the role of School Councillor. School Council meets at least eight times in each year, and at least once per school term. Meetings are generally restricted to approximately 2 to 2.5 hours duration. A number of subcommittees are formed each year and the term of office for all members is two years. Subcommittee meetings are held on the same evening as Council.

A School Councillor

  • Generally stimulates interest in the school in the wider community
  • Participates in the development and monitoring of the school strategic plan
  • Develops, reviews and updates school policies
  • Develops, reviews and monitors the Student Engagement Policy and the School Dress Code
  • Raises funds for school-related purposes
  • Approves the annual budget and monitors expenditure
  • Maintains the school’s grounds and facilities
  • Enters into contracts (e.g. cleaning, construction work)
  • Reports annually to the school community and to DET.

Before & After School Care Program

Our school has partnered with an independent provider, TheirCare, to provide Before and After School Care services to our school community.

TheirCare provides a stimulating and safe environment for all children where children enjoy their time in the program.

The program services the children in the school from 7:00am – 8:45am and operates from 3:30pm each day until 6:00pm.

Families wishing to use this service can visit the TheirCare website: http://theircare.com.au/. Families are also eligible for a Government rebate which reduces the cost per session. Further information can be obtained by calling TheirCare on 1300 072 410, or by downloading the below:

During sessions children develop life skills, friendships, confidence and creativity through play.